Ways To Give

Ways To Give

Donate Online

Click here to learn more about why investing in young readers is so critical, and join in our fight for every student’s right to a quality education by making a donation today.

Join the Giving Library

Join Reading In Motion’s Giving Library, a dedicated community of monthly givers passionate about supporting young readers. Give what you can through a monthly donation to ensure every student has the tools they need to succeed.


Mail Your Contribution

Please direct your gift to:

Attn: Development
Reading In Motion
332 S Michigan Avenue
Suite #121-R13
Chicago, IL 60604

Make a Gift of Stock

Instructions can be found here.

Planned Giving

If you would like to discuss including Reading In Motion in your estate plans, please contact Julie Reeder (information below) to connect with the appropriate staff member. If you’ve already included us in your plans, we’d love to know so that we can properly recognize your gift.

If you’d like additional information on ways to give or to explore how your support can make a greater impact, contact our Director of Development, Julie Reeder, at jreeder@readinginmotion.org or 312.357.9463.

I became a teacher to help give back to my community and provide every student I teach with the same learning opportunities as any other student from a more privileged background. Having grown up and gone to a public school in the same neighborhood as my students, I have the hope that one day my students will reach their true potential and fulfill their dreams just as I was fortunate enough to do. Reading In Motion has been a light in my life because it has given me the tools to help my students in their journeys to success. Thank you for bringing the program into my classroom.

Daniela Cueva, First Grade Bilingual Teacher, Columbia Explorers Academy